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Our Academics

New Medina is a school where each child is known and loved.

In this purposeful educational environment, we challenge and nurture each student to reach his or her academic and personal potential. We offer an excellent core academic curriculum in language arts, mathematics, Islamic and Quranic studies, as well as a project-based STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and physical education courses. 

Islamic / Qur'anic Studies

In our Islamic and Qur'anic Studies courses, students learn the fundamentals of Islam based upon the Qur'an and Sunnah. We cover material that helps build a stronger Islamic foundation, not only for the success of our children, but also to teach them to share it with others.


Our Science courses integrate science education with personal, social, and humanities education. The curriculum is based on the belief that students’ learning experiences should be connected to allow them to develop a holistic view of themselves as individuals in the community, of their place in the natural world, and of the interaction of human beings with the environment.

Language Arts

Our Language Arts courses aim to develop and improve competence in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, and to encourage a positive attitude toward reading and effective use of language.  With meaningful instruction, our students see literacy as something worth acquiring. 


Our Robotics curriculum aims to seamlessly integrate the interdependent disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) into a focused and stimulating real-world relevant Robotics course. Embedded within the curriculum are engineering (mechanical, electrical, & software), design, innovation, communications, critical thinking skills, and knowledge relevant for technological mastery.


Our Mathematics curriculum involves rich content contextualized with real life application. Students are encouraged to problem solve independently and collaboratively, as they develop critical thinking skills that build a foundation of mathematical confidence.   

Physical Education

In our Physical Education courses, students take part in developmentally appropriate and sequentially based activities and experiences as an essential part of the total educational process. These activities and experiences contribute to the growth and development of each individual child. Students are then able to use these skills to maintain a fitness mindset for a lifetime of active participation.

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Contact Us

Tel: 215-298-9994



7401 Limekiln Pike, 2nd Floor

Philadelphia PA 19138

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